Sunday, March 8, 2015

STASH REPORT - WEEK 10, 2015 (3/7/15)

Used this Period: 0 yards
Added this Period: 0 yards

Used year to Date: 42.9 yards 
Added Year to Date: 8 yards

Net Stash Decrease for 2015:  34.9 yards


Nothing in and nothing out!  I am working on my second shoes (Sally King - BFC) quilt.  This one has the embroidery on a green background.  I have 13 embroidered blocks and am using log cabin setting blocks (12).  So far, I have most of the embroidered blocks done (3 rows of 1-inch fabric around the embroidery), with just the last row to sew onto the last 5 shoes.  I'm again encountering the problems that come with sewing from stash.  I had planned to make the setting blocks with the same 3 fabrics used around the embroidered blocks, and adding 2 more.  I won't have enough of one of the fabrics (the outside one), so I need to decide what I want to do instead.  I'll try to come up with something in the next couple of days.  I would like to finish the quilt this week, if possible.  It will use some of my stash greens, which will be good.  I may decide to do the setting blocks "scrappy."


I think we'll go see "McFarland" on Wednesday--then Stations on Friday and another week will be gone.  Time has been flying by.  We're having a lot of melting, with very little new snow.  We may even have a real spring this year!


  1. You are doing good with your stash busting. I have found that scrappy is a good way to go when trying to stick to using the stash.

  2. Scrappy is my way of thinking these days too. I have plenty of stash to keep me busy for many years. Good numbers.
