Used this Period: 9.85 yards
Added this Period: 5.56 yards
Used Year-to-Date: 193.01 yards
Added Year-to-Date: 86.89 yards
Net Stash Decrease for 2020: 106.12 yards
Finished the Animal 2x2 quilt, except for the backing. Not sure but I think I'll order a blue blender for the back so it won't conflict with the fabrics on the front. I'm really not happy with the medium blue on the front, but since I didn't have enough of the M'Liss blue fabric that I used for the embroidered blocks to do a Triple Irish Chain and could not find a better blue for the third fabric of the blocks--well, just a long way of saying I'm not really happy with it but will live with it. This is a quilt that the quilting will make the quilt! It ended up being 78x89. I finished it on 9/9--bleeding over into the next week.
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