Sunday, March 16, 2014

STASH REPORT - Week 11, 2014 (3/16/14)

Used this Period: 0 yards
Added this Period: 10 yards

Used year to Date: 55.64 yards
Added Year to Date: 30.47 yards 

Net Stash Decrease for 2014: 25.17 yards


Whoops!  My yardage went the wrong way!  I thought I would be able to finish the scrappy string quilt I have been working on this week, but didn't get it done.  I have 56 blocks made, but still need to trim them and put them together.  Guess I will have better numbers next week! 


I bought yardage to make the Penguin quilt from FatCat patterns--black and white for the penguins (extra white because I can always use it) and a gray for the background.  I was really looking forward to starting on it but am feeling the letdown after finishing the blocks for the string quilt.  I will work on a purple sampler quilt and the pig quilt next--well, maybe I'll also cut the background blocks for the penguins.  Just not enough hours in the day to get everything done.

It is melting here--still have a lot of snow in the yard, but the load on the roof is diminishing.  The pussy willows are thinking seriously about sending forth the catkins and the stellar jays are flitting around--we may have an early spring this year.


  1. A penguin and a pig quilt - both sound pretty fun - looking forward to seeing them both.

  2. I'm glad your spring is going to show up! It's been a cold one. You've still used 25+ yards, and that's a good thing!

  3. We are still waiting for the old pecan trees to put out buds. That is the sign spring is truly here.

  4. Your numbers are still great, even with the additions. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves!! LOL Looking forward to seeing the penguin quilt.
