Sunday, February 16, 2014

STASH REPORT - Week 6-7, 2014

Used this Period: 0 yards
Added this Period: 0 yards

Used year to Date:  42.54 yards
Added Year to Date: 20.47 yards 

Net Stash Decrease for 2014: 22.07 yards


We're baaaaack, but no quilting last week or this week.  Instead I went to gymnastics, swimming, skiing, pre-school classroom, etc.--and that is so much more important than reaching stash reduction goals!  Unfortunately, I caught a cold from the granddaughters before we left; I don't think I've been this congested since retiring from classroom teaching.  We had a nice visit (I know why God gives children to the young!), and I'm so thankful for that time.  We were fortunate and slipped home between snow dumps; we had good roads until we reached NoName Mountain.  I hiked through the piles of snow to the garage and waited until DH cleared a path to back the truck in--then I unloaded and put things away.  


Sunday morning...

I finally got down to my quilting studio yesterday and started on my February NewFO.  I made some progress but didn't finish anything so nothing counts--maybe next week.  Sandi, my long-distance quilting partner, and I decided on an easy Sandi-Pat quilt for this year, shelving the more challenging one we were discussing for sometime in the future.  So, I will get started on that quilt, too, and try not to fall as far behind as I did last year.

Outside, the temps are hovering above freezing, and we have a February melt going on.  We are expecting snow most of the coming week--I hope, I hope!  So many are saying they are ready to get rid of the snow, but we really need the moisture.  The snowpack in our county is finally reaching the average.  Hope everyone is enjoying the Olympics.


  1. Spending time with grandchild is always worth the effort! They will remember some of those times later.

  2. I hope you feel better quickly! And you are more than welcome to the snow we've been getting in Tennessee!

  3. Sorry you caught a cold. How fun to be able to spend so much time with the grandkids.

  4. Glad you are back and soon will be sewing up a storm, I'm sure.
