Friday, May 31, 2013

GET IT DONE 2013 - JUNE GOALS & Status of MAY Goals

GET IT DONE 2013 - JUNE Goals
1) Make June block on Craftsy 2013 BOM (NewFO).  As soon as I complete the June block, I will be current!  It's "Y Seams" this month.

2) Machine quilt/bind 4 quilts from my LA-UFO stack.  And again!  After next week, I am going to shanghai my DH and get PV added to my longarm.  I plan to finish my Gingerbread quilt as my first project (it's started!), and then do 3 more.  It may mean that I won't be piecing for awhile--but that is all right, too.

3) Make 4 blocks on Annual S/P Challenge Quilt (NewFO).  (The S/P stands for Sandi/Pat; Sandi is my long-distance quilting buddy.  We started our sewing/quilting friendship before I moved to "the mountain.")  I need to "just do it" and get this finished.  Sandi said she didn't enjoy doing this quilt (she's quilting her pieced top already!), and I'm not enjoying it either.  I'm enlarging the block size in addition to changing the ones I don't care for--and that seems to be a lot. 

May was a lost month for me--no real stash reduction, no longarming done, hardly any time spent in my sewing/quilting room.  What did I do?!  Well, I worked on our "thicket," pulling grass and raking up dead limbs, etc.  I did a bit of community service.  And that's about all that I did!  I'm hoping that June will be the beginning of the end of my health issues.  The doctor now has me on thyroid medicine--I'm hoping that once it is closer to normal I will have more energy--sometimes I have felt so tired I just wanted to lay down wherever I happened to be at the time.  If it solves the problems, you might even see a "DONE" on 4 quilts from my LA-UFO stack!!  :-)

GET IT DONE 2013 - Status of April Goals
DONE     1) Make 2 blocks on Craftsy 2013 BOM (April & May) (NewFO).  I started on this in April and finished 3 blocks, using purple/lavender scraps.  It is an interesting project with a lot of "teaching" going on.  I would definitely recommend this for beginning quilters--a good way to stretch and grow.

2 DONE     2) Make 4 blocks on Annual S/P Challenge Quilt (NewFO).  (The S/P stands for Sandi/Pat; Sandi is my long-distance quilting buddy.  We started our sewing/quilting friendship before I moved to "the mountain.")  I need to "just do it" and get started on this.  Sandi has all her blocks ready for the blanket stitch around the individual applique parts.  I have ideas on how I want to make the pattern "my own"--I would like to incorporate piecing, applique, and machine embroidery.  It is always interesting to see how different our quilts look even though we use the same patterns!

3) Machine quilt/bind 4 quilts from my LA-UFO stack.  Well, here I go again--how many months has this been added?!  I have so many quilts "in me, just waiting to become reality" that I neglect my growing stack of finished tops.  I will be attending HMQS in May so perhaps I will get motivated to stretch & grow--and feel more secure in my skills or at least more willing to try them!

1 comment:

  1. Health issues cause a lot of slow downs, but at least you did something in May, so you didn't come to a completely halt. =) Your June goals look good!
