Saturday, February 21, 2015

STASH REPORT - WEEK 8, 2015 (2/21/15)

Used this Period: 10.9 yards
Added this Period: 7 yards

Used year to Date: 33.9 yards 
Added Year to Date: 8 yards

Net Stash Decrease for 2015:  25.9 yards


This has been a good week in the sewing room--I inserted a quilt into my UFO/NewFO list after seeing it on-line.  That gave me time to think about how I wanted to proceed with the "shoes" quilt I am putting together.  Quilting from stash certainly has its challenges!  I had just enough of the yellow fabric to finish the borders on the NewFO yellow/green quilt!  So, it decreased my stash by 8.75 yards.  Is summer here yet?!  The green is an avocado green and the yellow has a bit of the green  and a bit of orange-red in it.  Oh, well...


Well, I bit the bullet and changed the quilt--put a 6-inch white border around the outside.  It needed the extra white.  I knew that when I stopped at the yellow border, but thought I could get by without putting it on--couldn't!!  Took a lot longer to redo the backing to make it larger than if I had done it right the first time!  With that, I'm done sewing for the day.


Unfortunately, I purchased 7 yards of new fabric.  Of that fabric, 4 yards was added to use with the Sally King shoes "pink" quilt, but I think I'll only use the 1-yard piece.  I'm not happy with the match on the other 3-yard piece.  I'm still working on that flimsy--I should be able to finish it (twin-size) next week.  As I said, sewing from stash has its challenges!


A couple of days this week were spent visiting with friends and taking road trips.  Yesterday I made soup and brownies for the soup supper we have after Lenten services.  I had a lot of advice while making my Christmas Chowder (yes, in February!) as my husband and a friend kept telling me what they thought I should be adding!  I finally told them it was MY soup, and I was going to make it my way!  And they both enjoyed eating it at the soup supper!




  1. You used more than you added though, so that's a good thing. Are your two photos of the same quilt or different quilts? I can't really tell though one looks a bit darker than the other.

    So funny about getting cooking advice from the non-cooks.

  2. Your quilt is pretty, love yellow and green together. You have used way more than you have added so I wouldn't feel bad. I try to rotate my fabric so I get rid of some of the old when I make a quilt. It doesn't always work but it helps if I make an effort to use the older stuff first.

    Love your soup story :)

  3. It was good that you got to use so much from your stash. That way you have more room for the new fabric that comes in.
