Sunday, August 3, 2014

STASH REPORT - Week 31, 2014 (8/2/14)

Used this Period: 0 yards
Added this Period: 0 yards

Used year to Date: 118.01 yards
Added Year to Date: 50.64 yards 

Net Stash Decrease for 2014: 67.37 yards


Oh, what a week this has been!  But to get the bad news out of the way first--no stash reduction.  Then all the good & fun news...


We got all the furniture back in place after the carpet cleaning.  I now have 5 apple crisps in the freezer (my son & family brought me apples from WA), and I have the last picking of the rhubarb washed and in the refrigerator--ready to be cut up for freezing and baking.  The laundry is done, and the cherries are picked.  The raspberries are a day-by-day thing.


I spent my week at a Linda Taylor longarm retreat/workshop--an excellent experience.  Gammill provided Vision II machines and we had 2 heads per table.  There were 12 of us in class from various states--New York, West Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Idaho, etc.--with varying levels of experience, different machines at home, but all eager to learn.  Rick provided a tension workshop on Monday evening, and most of the spouses attended.  Then we had 3 packed days of hands-on learning.  It was interesting to see the improvement we all exhibited; I think I'm ready to tackle those tubs of pieced tops now!!  I shared my table with a gentleman the first day, and then with a lovely lady named Aileen the next two days.  She is a lovely, gentle lady, and it was such a joy to work beside her!  It was exhausting, but I'm so glad I had the opportunity to attend.  I've never done a hands-on class at HMQS (Salt Lake quilting show), but I could do that now.  I don't do art quilts and I'm pretty structured in my quilting (I'm a Virgo!)--but I think I will spread my wings and "fly" every now and then!


There is a nip in the air already, and the hummingbirds are acting like their feeding frenzy is just around the corner.  I have lots of daisies still blooming along the back property line, some hollyhocks and Tiger lilies leading their beauty to the yard--what a lovely time of the year. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a lucky lady you are to have attended a Linda Taylor longarm workshop. That must have been a dream come true. Do show us some of your examples of what you learned in class.
