Sunday, March 13, 2016

FABRIC STASH - WEEK 11, 2016 (3/13/16)

Used this Period: 0 yards
Added this Period: 0 yards

Used year to Date:  99.48 yards
Added Year to Date:  6.25 yards

Net Stash Decrease for 2016:   93.23 yards


No change!  This has been a week of no accomplishments--except letting Smokey, the Lhasa, lie on my lap and sleep.  I've been rendered helpless by a bout of bronchitis.  I think I am getting better, but still can't control the coughing.  My ribs really hurt already.  I'm hoping for a better week soon--before I forget all my ideas for the current UFO.


Mr. Young Moose has not returned to our yard.  Perhaps that will let us enjoy the catkins on the willows for awhile.  We did see a moose as we traveled up the Canyon to church last night.  He was totally unconcerned that we were watching him.  The mountain goats were playing just below the highway.  And the grouse barely moved off the roadway as we came down our mountain.  Snow is predicted for the next few days--I hope it materializes as we can always use the moisture.  And I'm hopeful that I will be in the sewing studio this next week!


  1. Sometimes life insists that you take care of yourself. Watch for the moose, goats, and grouse and enjoy the catkins.

  2. Hope you feel better soon.
