Sunday, May 19, 2013

STASH REPORT - Week 20, 2013

Used this Week: 0 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards

Used year to Date:  107.7 yards
Added Year to Date: 1.5 yards 

Net Stash Decrease for 2013: 106.2 yards


Well, here we go again--nothing that can be counted.  I did make a couple of blocks on the Craftsy 2013 BOM, but those won't be counted until the entire top is pieced.


However, this week has been full of trauma excitement.  First we had a hatch/invasion of carpenter ants--all over the mountain.  I don't remember this annual occurrence being this bad in past years; perhaps the mild winter has made it worse this year.  I normally spray the perimeter of the house each spring, and seeing all those ants prodded me to get it done.  Natives of the mountain tell me this is a normal event, but I hate any type of crawly things, especially those that can affect my home!  Anyway, I have found no hills or trails--but do plan on buying some deterrents so I'll be ready when it happens again.

And as if that weren't bad enough, our CA puppy (a Lhasa who is now 10 years old) got skunked!  The skunk was doing her "leave me alone" dance, but Smokey just wanted to play and ignored the dance.  And then we found her den--only about 6 feet from the raspberry bushes on the edge of the yard!  I had a heart-to-heart with Smokey last year when we had several baby skunks playing in our grass (traced back to a nearby neighbor's yard).  I told Smokey that if potential playmates were black-and-white with stripes down their backs, he should NOT play with them.  Obviously, he forgot that advice.  Well, the hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/dish detergent combination does work--sort of!  I kept asking friends to do the "sniff test" on me as I was attending a nutrition class and the JCCW Mass and dinner.  Smokey still has a slight lingering odor but I have passed each sniff test.

The JCCW Mass/dinner was wonderful--uplifting Mass, good friends, good food.  And that signals the start of my summer; we've already had some beautiful summer days on the mountain.  I hope you have had wonderful days, too.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Smokey. You gave me a chuckle with your "passing the sniff test". You have fabulous numbers. I'm impressed by how much you have used and only brought in 1.5 yards. You are my idol.
